Hanna Hegenscheidt

Teaching > Klein/Strech and Placement > One-On-One


One-On-One Coachings:

In Klein Techniqueâ„¢ the duration and the repetition of certain movement sequences is integral to create space for possibility and change in the body. Therefore classes are designed to be held in a group setting. Classes are taught in a way that each participant can work and ask questions at their individual level of experience and also receive individual feedback throughout. One-on-one coachings are not needed to accelerate the process of change nor capable to replace the ongoing work we do in class.

Nevertheless people have found a one-on-one session to be very helpful in certain situations, for example:
- to adress a specific question related to the analysis of specific movement material from a choreography
- to adress an injury or problem in their body, which they want to understand better through more individual time
- to support and intensify a limited time of study in Berlin, parallel to taking classes

Contact Hanna Hegenscheidt for further questions.
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© Hanna Hegenscheidt