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Klaus is dead(2006)
“We have to open our bedrooms, distribute our correspondence among our neighbours and speak louder when riding trains.” Bazon Brock
Is it especially lively not to want to know anything about death, or is it death, which makes us feel alive?
In „Klaus is dead“ we deal with certain situations and resulting emotionally contradictory states everyone experiences sooner or later in their lives. Through the topic of death and how the living deal with it, small interpersonal situations and reactions are being looked at under a magnifying glass.
In collaboration with the performers Hanna Hegenscheidt tries to approach death while experimenting at the interface of pathos and lightness.
In german and english language
Hanna Hegenscheidt
By and with:
Martin Clausen, Christopher Daftsios, Angharad Davies, Anna-Luise Recke, Run Shayo
Annette Gödde
Annette Gödde, Fanziska Schrage
Lighting Design:
Benjamin Schälike
Dramaturgy/Production Management:
Franziska Schrage
Length: ca. 60 min
Premiere: Sophiensaele Berlin 2006
Guestperformances: fabrik Postdam 2008
Kampnagelfabrik Hamburg 2008
A production of Hanna Hegenscheidt and Sophiensæle berlin.
Funded by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin.
With support of Mimecentrum Berlin.