Hanna Hegenscheidt

Repertoire > Projects > Lecture Performance


Lecture Performance

Choreography: Hanna Hegenscheidt and Ulrich Huhn
From and with dancers of the TanzZeit-Youthcompany: Elia Patrizi, Fidan Sirin, Di Huyen Vo Dieu, Lovis Zahn

Premiere: March 3, 2011, Theater an der Parkaue, Berlin

Guestperformances:     March 4, 2011, Theater an der Parkaue, Berlin
April 12, 2011, Uferstudios Berin
Juni 2011, Radialsystem Berlin
Length: 20 min

Four members of the TanzZeit-Youthcompany outline the development of dance from its folkloristic and courtly beginnings to contemporary dance. Different questions about dance arise during this time travel:

Where does dance start?
What is the role of the space?
What do we see and is that the only reality?
What is contemporary dance?

Arriving in the Here and Now, in contemporary dance, traditional theatre forms are being questioned and resolved. Text and emotion as well as the courage for experimentation have there place in choreography since the Tanztheater of Pina Bausch. Perception and expectation of the audience are being challenged: Like a DJ, who remixes familiar beats to something new, contemporary choreographers blend traditional dance forms, physical states, physical practices and much more to a new "dance-language".
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